Aeronautical Engineering | Dominik Mayer – Products, Asia, Productivity

Too Heavy

It’s not that easy to design a supersonic business jet. But we’ve two more days so we’ll make it loses some weight. Otherwise it’ll never make the specified 4000 miles.

Symposium Supersonic Business Jet

First day of the Symposium: Supersonic Business Jet ‘07. After lectures, workshops, discussions and many formulas and charts I know that companies, not sheiks, are our main customers. And that it’s not advisable to put the engines on top of the wings, at least not for supersonic flight.

Plants, Marriages and Survival Tips

  1. Flight Mechanics I is not Flight Mechanics II. The same applies for the exams.
  2. Mechanics exams were longer two years ago.
  3. On a late trip to the botanical garden it’s advisable to visit the greenhouses first.
  4. If you want someone reluctant to come along, you just need to find the right person for asking.
  5. Bavarian politician Gabriele Pauli wants marriage to automatically end after seven years unless it’s been renewed.
  6. Coming back from Sweden to Germany is like switching from a monthly to a strip ticket.
  7. Pizza in TribüHne is inexpensive and tasty.
  8. You better don’t eat anything in China and use tap water only for showering, bottled water for everything else.

50 Minutes

The freshmen wrote their mechanics exam this morning, so there’s only information technology left. My last one for the time being is flight mechanics which will start in 50 minutes. Wish me luck.

(It’s time that it ends, my script starts to fall apart.)