Food and Drink | Dominik Mayer – Products, Asia, Productivity

Curry Rice

Five times curry rice in one week…

Rice Boss
Rice Boss

German flag in China

Rice Boss
Curry Rice

Spaghetti and Chopsticks


We finally showed him how to use fork and spoon.

Not So Golden Town

Golden Town
Golden Town

Chinese friends don’t accept that there are greasy fingerprints on the inner side of the glass.

Golden Town

And they know that the white things that taste a bit like onions are lilies.

Sweet-and-Sour Sauce

Uyghur food

Again at the Uyghur restaurant next to the campus. A paper with the German translations of some dishes helped us to order but our Chinese was good enough to ask if the things contained meat or not. It was the first time that I’ve seen sweet-and-sour sauce in China. On the left, with the green eggplants.

107 Yuan


But very good and enough for two meals.

Hot Pot

Hot Pot


Hot Pot


Hot Pot
Hot Pot
Hot Pot
Hot Pot

The pot

Hot Pot

Small eggs

Hot Pot

And Now With Rain


Here’s the scene without rain. I haven’t been at the noodle man’s since I found out about the oil. And I also haven’t seen him. Where did he go?

With and Without

Chinese Food

Chinese food with meat, as you can easily see.

Chinese Food

Vegetarian food. According to the Chinese definition…


Heater in front of the cookshop.


Unknown Food

Chinese food

Maybe Mantou, maybe not.

Electric kettle

My Landlady Cooked

And it was the first time that I’ve had enough Chinese food and couldn’t have eaten more.

(No) Meat

Chinese Arabic food

More Chinese Arabic food. As hard to eat as the one before. They said it was without meat. Following the Chinese definition of vegetarian food: You don’t see the meat at first glance, you find it when you’ve eaten half the food. That was the time I stopped.

In the meantime they were doing something with a large piece of meat that was lying on top of a cardboard on the ground.

Bad Smell

Yesterday I bought noodles at the noodle man’s. But the noodle man himself wasn’t there so another one cooked them. When I put the empty box in my trash bin it started to smell very bad. Like animal oil. It didn’t help to open the window, I had to get rid of the thing. No more noodle man for now.