Household | Dominik Mayer – Products, Asia, Productivity

Ice Cube

How can an ice cube get into my closed bottle of lemonade in the fridge and survive in there?

Feel the Time

How should one know when 15 minutes are over if one follows another rule that says:

Don’t have any clocks visible to you

Reserve Your Bed

43 Folders cites a resource on how to develop a better sleep hygiene. This point is interesting:

Get up if you have not fallen asleep in 15 minutes and practice a relaxing activity (e.g. handwork, reading a boring book) until you feel sleepy

But my absolute favorite is:

Reserve your bed for sleeping only

The Mystery of the Black Hair

This morning, I found a long black hair on my bathroom floor. How on earth did it get there?

Laundry Improvements

No more Aldi tabs and delicates program, Ariel Color & Style rules. 8)

Separate by Color

Same (white) T-shirt, different actor. I accidentally put it to the dark laundry resulting in a new, light grey color. Some bleach should do the job.

Do Not Tumble Dry

If the instructions on a T-shirt say “Do Not Tumble dry” then the T-shirt is not supposed to be in the tumble dryer. Not even for ten minutes. I’ll never ever give away my laundry.