Hongkou | Dominik Mayer – Products, Asia, Productivity

Heping Park

Heping Park
Heping Park

What looks like a playground is a place where grown-ups exercise.

Heping Park
Heping Park
Heping Park

View to Rainbow City 2.

Heping Park
Heping Park

And Now With Rain


Here’s the scene without rain. I haven’t been at the noodle man’s since I found out about the oil. And I also haven’t seen him. Where did he go?

Bad Smell

Yesterday I bought noodles at the noodle man’s. But the noodle man himself wasn’t there so another one cooked them. When I put the empty box in my trash bin it started to smell very bad. Like animal oil. It didn’t help to open the window, I had to get rid of the thing. No more noodle man for now.


Shinla Levain

Our usual table was taken so we chose another one and Ouwen found himself sitting on a bunch of cables. He said he could even see some copper…

Preserve the Noodle Man


Small shops and cookshops in front of Rainbow City 2. The urban planners want to see more modern compounds here. When will they start building? And what will happen to our beloved noodle man?

Half a Pizza

The restaurant pretended to be Italian but seemed to have mixed up several countries. The music was as french as the pictures on the wall and the pizza seemed American.


Rainy day outside.

Banana shake

Very good banana shake.


Eating half of the pizza took me 45 minutes. I could have eaten more but stopped due to the ongoing pain in my jaw.

Pizza to go

The restaurant was a bit more expensive and the take-away box looks alike.

E-Mart Buses in Feihong Road

E-Mart buses in Feihong Road

No idea what they’re for. That has been the first time they’ve been there. I only knew that Wumei, another supermarket chain, has these kind of buses.

No Chicken After Ten (Not That I'd Eat It)

KFC closes at 10 pm. Very strange.